Street Photography

Please Don't Feed the Pigeons by Timothy Knight

With his back to the Atelier Brancusi (near the Centre Pompidou, in Paris' 4th Arrondissement) I imagine that this Parisian came to the same city square every day to carry out this task of feeding the pigeons. He was certainly an enigma to me and my friend Paul. I don't know if he knew he was contributing to the problem of an overpopulation of pigeons, or whether he viewed himself as their gentle caretaker. This mystery only became more confusing when one of the people watching him claimed to have seen him deliberately kill one of these pigeons. Unfortunately he did seem to have some kind of mental illness, and was abusive to another pedestrian.

Photography is sometimes a fickle pursuit. You can have an amazing vista in front of you and come away with no good shots, and sometimes you can get lucky in an instant. This is one of the latter occasions. I am proud of this photo, not for my own glory, but simply because I feel so lucky to have been able to successfully capture this chaotic and beautiful scene.

I'll try to update at least once a week for the next few weeks. My slow and even pacing of these photos has turned into a tedious and staggered drought. I plan to remedy this ASAP.