Rome / by Timothy Knight

I decided to only include one more photo from Italy, and it has to be this one. There is another photo from Florence that I really liked, but this is my favourite Rome photo. (You can see that other photo here)

So, the Temple of Venus and Rome. All you have to do is go to the Colosseum and then look the other way towards the Palatine Hill. Rome has a lot to offer and its ancient buildings are worth the trip alone. What I didn't expect was that there would be so much to see. Its actually kind of overwhelming. The Palatine Hill is an example of this. Just a constant stream of buildings that blur into each other. However, this amazing temple really caught my eye and we spent a long while wandering around it. At almost 1,900 years old it really doesn't look too bad at all.

My next photos will be from life back in Australia.